Oh, if only there were more hours in the day. If only...I had more energy. If only I had ....more imagination. I could go on-and on-but you get my drift. I am forever 'if onlying".

So starting today, no more 'if only'!

I will give myself permission to not have the house spotless and will be happy that I can at least walk through it. I won't worry over my gardens and the weeds. (Well, not as much anyway)

I will accept the gifts of family, friends, and spring with grace and humility.

And I will enjoy each and every moment of everyday that God has given to me!
These photos are a tease for GBBD and were all taken by 2 of my granddaughters this past weekend.
May you enjoy each day and count each of your blessings as you enjoy your gardens this week.
Amen Beckie, Amen Beckie. :) Thanks for stopping by and welcoming me back. I missed you guys & gals.
I am glad to see that you have time to post. Beautiful flowers.
My biggest lament, dear Beckie ... more hours in a day. I think you are doing exactly what you should be doing ... no one enjoys the gifts of a day more than you. Look at these dear photos! I find myself coming and going too! Hugs, dear friend.
Oh yes, I could take a lesson from this, too, Beckie. You know I'm the queen of "if onlys." Glad to see you have your internet back, even if it's only intermittent. Now if only I could find time to go see your garden while all the spring lovelies are blooming...
If only there were more hours in the day--we would really be tired! LOL! Seriously, I am right there with you in wanting to start living for today and enjoying life.
Good for you, a little practice and you won't even see the dust on the tables and the dishes piled in the sink. Just ignore them and get outside and enjoy those blooms.
Yes indeed, take time to smell and look at your flowers.
Hi Beckie.....the girls did well. such lovely photographs.
I have a fridge magnet that reads 'God made rainy days so gardeners could get their housework done'
That saying fits me perfectly. I used to very houseproud....not now......there are more important things to be doing.
When our time is reaching it's end, we will not be thinking about how clean our house is. lol
Have a good week.....nice to see you popping back again.
Racquel, it IS nice to have you back with us! I am looking forward to seeing more of your revamped gardens.
Lisa, thanks. I can just imagine all the beauties you have in your gardens now. Can't wait til the 15th!
Joey,the lovely weather is prompting much more time outside enjoying the blooms and birds. At leasy now I have the excuse of working in the gardens as to why my house is messy. :) Hugs to you!
Rose, you'd better hurry. The blooms aren't lasting long at all in this heat. I was without for a day and a half again! Think I will start taking my laptop with me and finding a wifi coffee shop. :) Cheaper and muxh more reliable!
MG, that is so true! But somehow when it stays daylight til 8:00, I get much more done and don't seem to get as tired. One of my favorite 'enjoy the moment' is coffee on the patio at sunrise.
Marnie, I can ignore dust with the best of them til the grands come over and start writing their names in it. Having them help more outside should take care of that problem though. :)
Keewee, thanks so much for stopping by. If only I didn't have to work, I would be out there enjoying the blooms even more.
Cheryl, someone sure knew us gardeners when they made that magnet! I used to vacuum everyday and dust. Now it's more like once every month!
The girls love to take photos and with the digital cameras it is so easy to delete the bad ones and no wasting of film. When I told them I was going to use a few on my blog they were sooo excited. But I dothink this is one way to get them more interested in gardening and nature. Has Poppi ever taken photos of your garden?
If your weather is as nice as ours, you are in heaven!
I know it's trite, but i don't think that when we get to the rocking chair stage of our life we'll regret not having a clean house! I am glad you're back and that is good news about the Susans! xxgail
I can totally relate to this post. Just earlier today I was feeling overwhelmed with how often everyone else updates and how, lately, the mood hasn't struck me at all. Many other examples too. I will try to accept your attitude of acceptance! Everyone can only do what they can do! Yay!
Hi, Beckie, it's good to hear from you again, I've been thinking about you. You're a very wise woman. Even though the days are longer now, the time definitely seems shorter. Enjoy the good things in life, like your beautiful spring blooms.
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