While there are no blooms in my gardens yet, I do have a few indoors. I thought I would show you this one in stages. After planting the amaryllis that was a Christmas gift from Rose, I waited for weeks to see a bud stem. When it finally got to it's full height, a real bud appeared.
and the next day I had two glorious 'Apple Blossom' blooms. From there it went to four! I was in heaven.
For the first time ever, I tried my hand a forcing a bulb. I read somewhere in blog land that Big R had them and the vases on sale for $1.99. When I found them they were only $.75 at out store. I called Rose and between the 2 of us, we decided we needed 7. Unfortunately this is the only one that made it to bloom stage. Either we didn't do them right or the bulbs were just to dry. I prefer the 2nd excuse as we are excellent gardeners. :) But I am thrilled to have this one! My kitchen smells of spring!
This impatiens was a surprise. It started blooming this week in the peace lily that sits in my kitchen garden window. I summered this lily outdoors last year and when I brought in in for the winter, seeds from nearby impatiens must have stowed away in the soil. When the sun and the temps were just right, it started to grow and finally produced blooms that also say spring is coming. I learned, though, that these must be fairly easy to grow from seed and am intending on finding some to start indoors. Do you notice a theme here? Pink, pink and more pink. It is strictly by chance, but very fortunate for me as I LOVE pink!
Now to my gardens. When the snow melted in the front beds, I found a couple of bunches of daffodils poking their heads out of the ground. Thrilling!!! There was also a tulip or two. Come on spring.
No, these aren't mine. I wish, though. Visiting a favorite cousin farther south a couple of weeks ago, I found several of these in her yard. Now, these really do say spring.
While we were visiting, we went to a family baby shower. I was so taken with the decorations that I took photos(of course) to share. Notice the miniature daffodils and the hyacinths and ivy and the baby bottle filled with spring colored almond M&Ms.
The room was like walking into spring. A delight to the eye and the nose. This was a door prize-not won by me. :(
Even the cake shouted spring! I knew it was all about the baby, really I did. But it seemed more like a spring shower. :)
I hope you all have an early spring and a wonderful week in the garden!
Hey Beckie, I don't think anyone would ever guess you like pink! hehe!
I have never tried to force bulbs but heard it is pretty easy. Glad you got one to bloom. I know it smells good.
Hope you have a good week.
Those are great photos. I have a bunch of hyacinths outside (well, not blooming yet) and I love the smell. I've wanted to force one, too, but couldn't find a vase. I'm still waiting for the amaryllis I bought right after Xmas to bloom, but I suspect that my house (I keep it embarrassingly cool!) isn't warm enough to hurry them along. I don't even have a stem yet! But I'm not giving up, as I do have foliage. Looking forward to your flower show report (if there will be one). Is your fave cousin Lisa?!
You do have some blooms Beckie. I really liked those baskets at the shower too. Happy GBBD.
Glad the amaryllis did so well for you--we are definitely going to have to try these again next year. But I'm most impressed by your hyacinth--beautiful! I'm so sad mine didn't bloom, but we'll learn from our mistakes, won't we and try again next year. Lots of blooms here in AZ today.
I'm still looking for one of those little vases to force bulbs in. Of course, it probably wouldn't last very long in a house with cats. They need to disassemble anything with a plant in it.
Love that cake!!!
Nice indoor blooms Beckie! That shower cake is adorable, and looks good enough to eat!
I love the new look of cakes that show up at weddings and showers...I don't like the taste, but they are gorgeous! (I am not a cake fan) The sign in your first photo is perfect for the up and down of spring weather~It's here, it's gone, it's here, it's gone. We need some sunshine! Apple Blossom is my fav of the affordable amaryllis! It has to be the pink...I love pink flowers~Nice door prize and it must smell delicious, too! Happy GBBD! gail
Lovely Amaryllis, and the Crocuses are very cute (even if they aren't yours). I'm sorry about your disappointment with the Hyacinths. Were they properly chilled? I put mine in the unheated garage in November and take them out in January.
Your amaryillis is gorgeous!! You take such clear, nice pics! That cake...ooooooo....yum!
I'm sure those bulbs were just too dry. Forcing is so easy. Just do what you did - put in water and they'll bloom. Pink hyacinths smell soooo heavenly! Pink is a wonderful, warm colour. I like it too.
Enjoy - I do hope your weather warms up once again. Ours has been above normal all month.
Lovely, the cake too.~~Dee
What a clever idea for a shower giveaway...far better than your usual ugly picture frame picked up on clearance. I find I do the same thing with purple and blue flowers that you've done with pink!
You've done well with the forced hyacinth - looks lovely (and I bet it smells great too - one of the real smells of spring). I've never been able to force one - they just keep rotting. Probably something to do with the fact that, if it's inside, I quickly manage to kill every plant that has the misfortune of coming into contact with me...
Beckie, that amaryllis is amazing! The colors are beautiful. The cake is truly a work of art. It's a good thing you like pink, it's so easy to garden with pink--I can't think of anything that doesn't go with it.
For sure, they are spring colours Beckie.
I think all girls love pink.......can you ever have too much?? Hyacinths are just perfect to have inside at this time of year. The perfume is exquisite and carries all around the house.
It always amazes me how plants seed around.....such a bonus as the months march forward.
All the posts I have read today are praising spring. So am I.
After a long dreary winter the pretty colors and warmer temp's of springtime rejuvenate us.
The baby shower decorations are so pretty! My daughter and I are planning to have a baby shower in May for my newest great granddaughter. Her mommy is doing everything 'cowgirl' so we are trying to come up with fun ideas.
Your post delightful ... I see you and your camera have become best friends, Beckie! You go girl and have fun shooting ... you have a good eye :)
Thank you all for your kind comments. The weather has warmed once again and plants are really popping up everywhere in the gardens. Spring brings such happiness to we gardeners after the long gray winter.
I am going to be busy grandparenting this weekend, but hope to have some help starting seeds indoors and maybe even clearing some of the garden beds.
Hope you all are enjoying your gardens!
Your hyacinth is lovely. I bought a box of the vases at a garage sale last year but never bought the bulbs to force. I need to remember to do that this fall.
Pink is my favorite flower color so I like all of your pinks.
Hi Beckie!
I hear you on enjoying the warmth then having to go back to winter. ugh. So hard.
Your blooms are gorgeous. I love your Apple Blossom Amaryllis and pink hyacinth. That is a great deal you found on the vases & bulbs too. I've never run across them so cheap. Our greenhouse sells the vases alone for 5 or 6 dollars ~ that's why I only have two! I would buy more if I had the chance like you and Rose did. I hope you get bulbs to bloom in every one next year.
The baby shower really does look like spring! The basket is just lovely ~ what a great prize. Too bad you didn't win. :-(
The cake looks too pretty to eat ~ no, never mind, there's no such thing as not eating cake!!! ;-)
Happy belated bloom day.
Beckie from the beautiful pastels that I see here in this post I would say that YES Spring has sprung in your corner of the world!
Such pretty pinks and that cake well just eye candy!I bet it tasted simply yummy!!
Happy Spring to youj!!! xo
I love that night time shot... I need to take more of those in the garden.
Beckie, your photos are a delight.! Happy to see Thelma & Louise back in action! Yes, spring has sprung!
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