Thanks, also to Rose. I now have a new look to my blog after over 2 years of the same format and colors. I have also started using the new editor on Blogger. Because of that, these photos may be hard on your eyes and your sense of composition as I am still in the learning curve of how to use the new editing features. But I do want to thank Rose for explaining all of this to me. She is much more computer savvy than I. :)
The first poppy of the season! I so love these gorgeous crepe paper looking blooms. These are in my MIL's garden and will not transplant to mine. I have tried unsuccessfully for years to get a start and now accepting the fact they will not grow for me, I enjoy them in her garden.
I think this must be the Year of the Lilac and Wisteria here in Central Illinois
Cheryl, this photo is for you! :)
I did a board at work for Earth Day. I find free coloring pages on the Internet and have parents and grandparents at work take them home for the little and not so little ones to color. They put their names and ages on them and I display them on the board. I take photos of the board and send them back to the kids so they can see their artwork displayed. We all enjoy their efforts and their artistic abilities.
While I am on the subject of work....
I got permission to do 3 planters in the front of the building. This is the'yellow' container and I have a pink one and a purple one. As they fill in I will show you more.
Couldn't resist a photo of the pansy. With the cooler weather, they have stayed so fresh looking and continue to bloom profusely.
Last, but not least. the first iris of the season. This is an unnamed one, probably a very old variety that has been passed down through many generations of flower lovers. My MIL gave me this one. While not very flashy, it is dependable and it's blooms fill in that gap between spring bulbs and summer flowers.
Do you have antique pass alongs in your gardens?
I hope everyone has a great gardening week!
I do apologize for the spacing ! Bear with me while I learn. :)
It isn't too late for a monday post Beckie. My, your garden has some beautiful blooms now. I love that bouquet of purples. I bet they smell grand. I tried for years to get poppies to grow here. I have one that has survived the past 2 years. I am thankful for it. It was a pass along from T. You have been busy with your work. Love the new look of your blog. I should do something to mine too.
Lisa, T has the most beautiful poppy. The center of it is almost blue. Is that the one you have? The new look was fairly easy after Rose explained how to do it. I'm not sure I like the new editor yet though. The one good thing is I can make photos any size. Hope you have a great week. :)
Hi Beckie, I'm up a bit early this morning. My blog has a new look again too. Wordpress has some user friendly features. Too bad about those Poppies, have you tried collecting seed? I've never had success with Lily of the Valley either, for something that is suppose to be invasive it won't grow here. ;)
First, I love the classy look of your new blog, Beckie, and the flowers posted for Mish Mash Monday, divine! I have been tempted to change my format but time and being a wimp are overpowering me! You are ahead in your garden but we're catchin' up! Can't wait for the lilacs to bloom!
I noticed the new look of your blog immediately, Beckie--it looks great! Thanks for the link, but I'm certainly not "computer savvy"--I still don't have the foggiest idea about HTML:) The poppy is beautiful and so early. Too bad that it can't be transplanted. I finally planted some poppy seeds yesterday, or I should say I just scattered them. We'll see if any of them come up. I'm so glad you showed the wisteria--it is really beautiful this year! I'm looking forward to seeing all the containers you planted when they've grown a little. I'm sure your co-workers appreciate all the extra touches you do--it makes the work atmosphere a much more enjoyable place.
Hi Beckie, I love the orange of that poppy. Isn't it funny how there is something we just can't grow? I've never had much luck with delphinium (which I love) and, apparently now bergenia! It always tickles me that MMM has caught on. Also, I think it's great you did the Earth Day display at work, and by handing out pages to color, people learn more and feel more involved, I bet. Also nice to add the planters at work. The only redeeming feature to the place I used to work was the little beds around the building! ;-)
Hey girl, I enjoyed looking at all these beautiful blooms. I like your new blog look too!
I have that same white iris too. My mil gave it to me.
Hope all is well with you.
Beckie your new look is simply marvelous! Love it, and that dear Rose helped you too. You are quite the pro now! The photos are all stellar, but the poppy was off the chart! Yours are ahead of ours even, just buds here. We have found they will *take* better if transplanted quite small, get the whole root, dig deep!, in the fall. Same for the lily of the valley. Keep trying, it took many many failures to get them going here from our neighbors down the street, now we are awash in them. I love the old fashioned iris, the same neighbor gave us many, along with older daylilies and a million other old timey things. I love them all, but especially love your lilacs! The header and bouquet are great. I can smell them through the laptop. :-)
Your blog looks beautiful! I think I need Rose. I am so concerned about changing anything since I did this once and lost everything. I don't want to have to start all over again.
I love the new look! Your blooms are bountiful and beautiful!
Racquel, I really like the look of your blog now and was considering moving to word press(with lots of help!) before I found out I cpuld do this. Frances has given some hints in her comment that I am going to try with the poppies and the lily of valley.
Joey, I have allways liked the look of your blog-very classy. :) We seem to be ahead of several climes in our blooms here. Not sure why, but am loving it. I'm sure your lilacs will be wonderful this year!
Rose, I really am grateful to you for your help with the new look. I was so bored with my other and when I saw yours I hoped you would share the how to with me. Frances gave some tips for transplanting the poppies and lilies. Maybe we can try them this fall. I'll share some plants with you. :)
Monica, my bergina took several years to become established enough to bloom, so don't give up on it. With the Earth Day board I was hoping the younger ones would in on the 'action'. School aged kids learn about it and do things for it.(from my granddaughters) And I am just pushy enough that if I want something, I can usually figure out a way to get it-like the containers at work. :)
Hi Susie, maybe we should name this iris the MIL. :) Glad you liked all the blooms. I would imagine you are very busy at work this time of the year. Any good new plants?
Frances, I wouldn't say pro! Just lucky with a little help. I remember you talking about how great your neighbors have been with sharing their plants. That's wonderful and I know you will always remember their generosity.
Speaking of... I will try your tips for getting the poppies and lilies transplanted. Thanks!!
Gatsby, thanks for stopping by and for the kind comments. I would go for the new look and not worry too much about losing everything. Go for it!
Cindy, so glad you enjoyed the blooms and the new look. It gave my spirits such a lift to do it.
I love the new blog look. The larger photos really show off your camera skills. I don't like the new blog editor, but then I've become very adept at the old one and the html code.
I find it hard to believe that lily of the valley won't grow in your garden. It was a pest and a menace in mine. I now have it confined to a couple of containers. Love, love, love the Wisteria!
I love the new look of your blog Beckie! Your header is gorgeous, and that bouquet you brought to work. . . ahhhh! Beautiful!
MMD, Thank you-I can't or won't do html codes. It boggles my mind. :( I do like the new editor for the photo sizes and I suppose will learn some of the other features.
The wisteria was exceptional this year and really deserves a better support. At least that is my plan.
Linda, I'm glad you like it and my header. I took that photo from below as those lilacs are waaay up there. That bush needed topped last year and I couldn't get to it. This year it is even taller and I am going to have to ask for help with it. If not the flowers will be too high for me to even see by next year. :)
Wonderful new look...I need Rose to tutor me! The photos are stunning. I can't grow poppies either! I have tried everything~planting plants, sowing seeds in fall, winter and spring! Nada one! You are an excellent example of living one's values~I love the billboard project at your job and the planters! The earth needs more stewards like you. xxxgail
Hi Beckie, I should get you two to tutor me on creating a new look for my blog. Can't bring myself to risk losing things.
A few of my iris are getting buds. May 8 is the big plant swap at Khlems and I'm going to flood the place with iris. I've let them get way to crowded.
Hi Beckie
Firstly, thank you, for showing the lovely wisteria....and yes it must be your year for them. The blooms look wonderful. I miss mine.....
The iris is gorgeous.....I love the old fashioned varieties......they have such an ethereal quality about them.
The container is great....I shall look forward to seeing it in full bloom.
Taking flowers to work is a lovely thing to do. Everyone gets a chance to appreciate their perfume and beauty....
Love the artwork....great idea and lots of fun.....
Gail, maybe you can't get poppies to grow, but your gardens overflow with beauties that you have nurtured. Thank you for the very kind comments. I just love flowers, gardening and sharing them. :)
Marnie, if you want you can email me and I will try to help, but I imagine you are more computer savvy than I am.
Ohhh, to be at that swap meet and get some great plants! I know they will appreciate your iris and I hope you find some wonderful plants to take home.
Cheryl every time I looked at the wisteria this year, I thought of you and hoped yours was coming back. I'm glad you at least enjoyed seeing mine. It really needs new wupports to show it off better, but That will be a big job now that it's so big.
I have an old fashioned deep purple iris almost blooming and a yellow one beginning to bud. All of these are from my MIL and are old as the hills. But they remind me of my grandmother's garden and I love them.
The containers at work should be fun to watch. Several people at work have been very interested in them already. One of the younger guys helped me cover them last night-frost-and had the covers off before I git there this morning. He didn't want them getting too warm in the morning sun. Hope you have a great weekend!!
All the pass-along plants in my garden are my favorites. I have some yellow and lavender Iris. The sweet gentleman that gave them to me, thought he was giving me white ones because I love white blossoms so much--and it turned out not a one was white! LOL!
Love your new blog design--and that header is amazing. This is the time of year when I get homesick for the Midwest and Lilacs.
I just pulled my pansies out today, so sad, looked so beautiful, but time marches on. I loved your beautiful pictures. I will save my pansies that are in containers and put them on the shady side of the house. We all know what happens to pansies in the heat.
Beckie when I came by your blog those lilacs in your header simply took my breath away! I could actually smell them!!!
Holy moly what a riot of color and blossoms you have in your Spring garden! You are way ahead of us here in my corner of the garden patch!That wisteria is gorgeous!!
Hi, I'm new here. Just discovered your blog. I love your blooms and your photos. I think the bouquet is really lovely.
I love the flowers. They are so beautiful.
Photography classes San Francisco
I love the new look of your blog Beckie! Your header is gorgeous, and that bouquet you brought to work. . . ahhhh! Beautiful!
HD Wallpapers
This is awesome! Thanks
great shere with you
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