Just wanted you to know I am still alive and gardening. My lack of posts and comments has really bothered me, but as I have said before, 'life happens' every so often and I can't find the time to do much blogging.
The thing is I really miss it and all of you. Surely soon, I will be back to a less busy time. I want to see how every one's gardens are doing in the late days of summer. And soon, we will all be showing our turning trees. Can't miss that. :)
Have a great gardening week and a Happy Labor Day!
Yes, you are being missed. Love the bee on the zinnia. Hugs
Hey Beckie, I have really missed seeing you girl. But I can certainly understand being busy as we all are. Hope all is well.
Beckie, your photos are just getting better and better. The bee photo is just perfect! Now I'm getting camera envy:) I'm also envious of the praying mantis. I've seen only a few here so far this year, and Grandsons 1 and 2 took two of them on Sunday for "pets". I didn't want to let the mantises go, but how could I turn my boys down?:)
Happy Labor Day to you too! It looks to be a great long weekend for us all.
As someone who has had to take several breaks this year I understand Beckie. Glad you are still here, take care! :)
I know the feeling Beckie. Life happens and blogging sometimes has to wait. Hope you have a wonderful Labor Day weekend.
Hi Beckie, thanks for the sign of life! But we all understand about real life happening, so no worries! have a great holiday weekend and say hi to Mr Dragonfly Corner and the grandkids! :)
Glad to see you back on the blogging trail. Seems a few have taken some time off. Love your praying mantis photo!
Hi Beckie, nice to see you again, we missed you.
I had a praying mantis on my lawn chair yesterday. I ran for the camera but when I got back, guess what...
Hope things work out and you have more free time soon. Take care.
Dear Beckie.....two beautiful photographs......I love the bee on the Zinnia, stunning Beckie.....
I love preying mantis.....they are such interesting characters.....I cannot imagine having them in the garden......
We all miss you but understand the complications and complexities of life. Do hope that everything is ok .......
Oh Beckie - I love love love that little bee on the zinnia! You can see the detail in its little wings so clearly!! You certainly are making the most out of your camera. Isn't it fun?
I miss you too - but also haven't been blogging much. Would rather be outside. And as you say "life happens". So enjoy. Happy Labour Day and we'll get together when we can.
Hi, Beckie, when you are less busy, come check out this Meme
that I've tagged you for!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Lisa, thanks-I thought it turned out pretty good too. Of course I had several that didn't. LOL
Susie, I have missed being a regular and really missed reading every post-but there is always this winter to catch up. :)
Rose, camera envy is dangerous! But, it is such fun to be able to take the super macro photos. We saw mantises early and then none-not like last year when they were so thick. I was glad to finally see one again. I am sure the grandsons will enjoy their pets. :)
Tina, I hope your weekend is filled with lots of fun!
Racquel, Yes, sometimes breaks are needed, but I do miss everyone and kepping up on all that is happening in their lives and gardens.
Linda, it's been a busy summer for lots of us.I know you keep very busy. :) Have a great long weekend.
Monica, I have been wanting to do a post on your visit and just can't get it together-but rest assured I will one day. I did so enjoy your visit and meeting your friend. And the grand girls really enjoyed the time you spent with them!
Janet, I hope all is well with you. Hope to get back to full time blogging soon-well, you know wha I mean. :)
Marnie, the mantises have been scarce this summer-kind of like the butterflies. Keep trying and I know you will get a photo of one. :)
Cheryl,thanks. Sometimes the photos turn out better than I hoped. But then there are those dozens that don't. At least I don't have to pay for wasted film anymore. I know you would love the mantis. They have personalities and seem to look right at you.
Wendy, yes cameras are fun! I hope you are enjoying yours. You will have to tell us about it. I could spend all day outside taking pictures.
Carol, the meme sounds like fun and I promise to do it soon. Have a great Labor day. I know you will probably spend it mowing. :)
We miss you, too! Love the photos....I saw my first 'walking stick' on the shed wall! gail
I have been experiencing the same angst. I think everyone understands how busy/crazy life gets. I look forward to hearing all about your crazy summer. Happy gardening!
Hey, Beckie, I need to be letting more life happen and blogging a bit less. My house is such a mess. It will be blogging for me tonight, though. Yesterday, My right foot got caught in our dog's leash we tie her up on sometimes, and I was holding our 21 month old grandson. I landed quite hard on my left knee. I'm glad we were on the grass, because I set GS down as easy as I could as I was crashing, and he still rolled or bounced from his side, and hit his chin on the grass. I went to work today, but am keeping the leg up this evening.
I mentioned on the reply on your comment that I want to go around and find more spent flowers to place here and there in some of my beds this fall to see what all will come up. You may want to put some of your cleome seed pods on the ground this fall yet. All of mine are volunteers.
I hope things are going well for your family.
I hear you on being busy Beckie. I've been kind of bad about posting lately too but it's one of those things. I'm always glad to catch up on your posts whenever I can. I hope you had a great Labor Day. I would love to rewind this summer back to Memorial Day and start it over! Your photos are terrific.
Hi Becky, after reading your post I feel lots better! I am continually torn between 'posting', and/or 'living'! Also, even when I don't post, I 'could' be visiting blogs but often I'm not. Sometimes it gets on my nerves to just sit and spend so much time on the computer. Other times, I just HAVE to say hello to some people who I really like (you, for example!) and whose blogs I really enjoy! Hope you are well. Thanks for all of your thoughtful comments on several of my previous posts;-)
Wonderful bee and praying mantis photos........ life does keep us busy at times, doesn't it?
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