My Dad had a kidney removed last week. He had a large cancerous tumor on it that had started to spread into the renal artery. The Doctors at the Veteran's Hospital in Indianapolis are confident that they got it all and that he will make a complete recovery. I can't say enough good things about the staff there. They were all extremely helpful, very dedicated and kind, caring people.
He is at home now recuperating with the help of an old friend. At the age of almost 85, he is doing remarkably well. I think his recovery has to do with his determination to not let this get him down and the fact that he is extremely stubborn. Way to go Dad!
Summer is coming to an end-the grandgirls all go back to school this week. The angle of the sun has changed and casts a different light, the days are getting shorter and the sun is just starting to rise as I leave for work. Sigh..... But this field of sunflowers close to work starts my day with a smile.
This is the bud of my newest delight. I do not remember planting this -I have 2 plants in fact. I have no tags for them-they just appeared! Thanks be to the Gardening Gods. I am in love with ....
....Datura! Pardon the hand, but I wanted you to see just how big these blooms are. They only bloom at night and last just a short while after daybreak. So to see them, I resort to taking a flashlight out into the gardens at night. Or check them out as I am leaving for work.

Raindrops glisten like diamonds on their snow white blooms.

If you want a glorious-exotic-easy to grow plant, this is it. I am in LOVE!
The raindrops on these caladiums caught my attention as well as...

on the nasturtiums.

I seem to have a lot of blue in the gardens now. I didn't plan it this way(maybe I should say I did!), but the of sight blues in the garden provides a cooling effect in the hot days of August. This morning glory was supposed to have been Heavenly Blue-one I started from seed this spring. Oh well, a few surprises make life interesting. It does look good on the new arch we put in just off the patio.
This annual, salvia Victoria Blue, has been an outstanding addition to my garden. I have it planted in several places and in several containers. I will use this again next year and will not go back to the perennial salvia This never needs deadheading and seems to do well no matter where it is planted.

Bachelor Button is blooming again after a short rest. This was a pass along plant last year and has more than doubled in size this year. Another easy to grow addition to the garden.

The color seems to fade a bit in this photo of one of my containers, but I can assure you it is glorious in person. I call this my 'blue' pot and it has Victoria Blue salvia, Beth's Blue laurentia, and a 'blue' petunia from Walmart. Hey, I liked the color. :)
And now.... dragonflies seen at the small pond where I work. I often use my lunch hour to walk around with my camera. Yes, my co-workers think I'm a little odd. :)
Raindrops glisten like diamonds on their snow white blooms.
If you want a glorious-exotic-easy to grow plant, this is it. I am in LOVE!
on the nasturtiums.
I seem to have a lot of blue in the gardens now. I didn't plan it this way(maybe I should say I did!), but the of sight blues in the garden provides a cooling effect in the hot days of August. This morning glory was supposed to have been Heavenly Blue-one I started from seed this spring. Oh well, a few surprises make life interesting. It does look good on the new arch we put in just off the patio.
Bachelor Button is blooming again after a short rest. This was a pass along plant last year and has more than doubled in size this year. Another easy to grow addition to the garden.
The color seems to fade a bit in this photo of one of my containers, but I can assure you it is glorious in person. I call this my 'blue' pot and it has Victoria Blue salvia, Beth's Blue laurentia, and a 'blue' petunia from Walmart. Hey, I liked the color. :)
And now.... dragonflies seen at the small pond where I work. I often use my lunch hour to walk around with my camera. Yes, my co-workers think I'm a little odd. :)
Beckie, Best wishes to your Dad for a speedy recovery.
You know, some of my co-workers think I'm a bit odd, too, so I feel like I'm in good company with you.
Love all your flower pics and the dragonflies, too. Those sunflowers would make anyone smile!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
That field of sunflowers is beautiful. No wonder you are smiling when going to work. I love your new header photo. The dragonflies are gorgeous too.
Good news about your dad, stubbornness can go a long way, can't it? Some might want to call it strength of will, that sounds better. Your blues are just wonderful, the sunflowers are more than cheerful and the datura is a great gift from wherever! Good gardening, Beckie, and great photos, especially all the different types of dragonflies. Well done, and we think you are not odd, but rather just right. :-)
Beckie you have some beautiful blooms in your garden. That white is simply gorgeous. And the size, that's fantastic.
I like that blue and white petunia. How pretty!
So glad to hear about your dad and his fantastic recovery. That's great news!
I was just thinking how hard it is to get up now with days getting shorter and it being more dark when I rise. Just a few weeks ago the sun was waking me up. Now, I just want to stay in bed.
Hope you have a wonderful week my friend.
A friend gave me my first moonflower datura a few year ago and I could not imagine how I ever gardened without it. So glad you love it! It will self seed so look for the seedlings next year. They germinate all summer but not in a pesky way. I like the dragonflies. Great shots!
Glad your dad is doing well. I wish him continued improvement.
That Datura is incredible! Very pretty.
Hi Beckie, Glad to hear your dad's surgery went well and that he's recuperating well, too. Love all your blooms and looking forward to seeing them in person! I too love those huge moonflowers, they are the coolest! They look kind of prehistoric to me, like dinosaurs (herbivores only, of course) should be roaming around somewhere nearby!
Beckie, I'm happy to see you back. It's wonderful that your Dad will recover completely.
Your datura is as big as a tuba;) Beautiful!
Love the dragonfly photos. The wings on the first one are extra pretty. I can imagine your coworkers watching you out by the pond and wondering what you're doing snapping pictures of bugs;)
Dear pleased to hear that Dad is doing well. A huge operation for him.....he must be a marvellous character to have such strength of mind. The support of family and friends at this time is so important.
I am in love with Datura to! That is the biggest and most beautiful white bloom I have seen......and to glow at night....oh joy....
I did well with my morning glory seeds that you sent. Grew beautiful plants in the greenhouse....sadly as soon as I put them out they disappeared. I was so disappointed but hey there is always next year....I am going to try again......
The dragonflies are wonderful....what a lovely way to spend the lunch hour, perhaps time for quiet contemplation. If I worked with you Beckie I would join you......
Take care my not get too tired and look after yourself......
What beautiful photos you have posted. That Datura is amazing. Your sunflowers look like a postcard.
Do your annual salvia re-seed? They really are pretty.
Best wishes for your Dad's continued recovery. Please take care of yourself, too.
Good to find your new post Beckie. I'm so sad that summer is winding down but that field of sunflowers makes me smile too. Maybe we'll have a nice long fall??
I don't think you're odd at all snapping pics on your lunch hour ~ I do the same tho! Although, I've never seen so many different dragonflies in one spot. They are all so pretty.
Beautiful cosmos and that datura is fabulous. I've never seen a white one. The local nursery sells yellow and purple & that's it. It's enormous ~ will it come back or reseed?? I don't know much about them.
Interesting about the annual salvia. I've never tried any of the blue ones ~ I usually buy annual red salvias (which I love). Maybe next year I'll try a blue one because of you.
Prayers for your dad. I hope his recovery stays on a positive track.
Great photos. The bud photo is unusual. I planted Sacred Datura a couple of times but it never took hold. It's supposed to be one of the best plants for our area. I'm envious!
The Datura is beautiful!!!
Also love seeing the dragonflies.
My mums are in bud and will begin blooming any day!
Lots of rain here. I am catching up this evening while the rain just pours outside.
Blessings to your Dad.
Dear Beckie, I am so glad your dad's surgery went well and that he is expected to make a complete recovery....You can shy with relief and relax a bit. Keep on going out there and finding great photos for us...the dragonflies are wonderful...You know I am going to add a water feature just so I can see them in the garden;) I am glad you have the wonderful sunflowers to make you smile as you travel to work~~we could all use them to give us a lift. Oh my gosh I am in love with the datura, too! It's wonderful...dinner plate sized!They must glow at probably almost don't need a flashlight. gail
Hi Becky,
I hope your dad is continuing to recover. I love all your blue flowers, the daturas, which I have every year, as they reseed, and the pink chrysanthemum is lovely, too. I have a lighter pink one that has one bud just starting to open.
My co-workers know I'm odd. Last spring, a new co-worker made fun of me for running into the parking lot when I saw a Monarch, and asking parents waiting for their children if they saw it. Then, the other day, I opened my mouth and said, "I've been noticing bees sleeping on my flowers." Well, I have! Have you?
I hope your father has a speedy recovery Beckie. Glad to hear he isn't letting it get him down. Love all the blooms with the glistening drops on them, how pretty. I think your blue & white swirly Morning Glory is special. What a nice surprise! :)
Wow Beckie, that datura is just gorgeous! Love the sunflowers blooming against the fence, and of course the dragonfly too.
What a relief your dad's surgery was a success - sounds like he was in very good hands.
It's hard to believe it's already late August, and kids are starting to head back to school. I've been noticing the change in light too - it has a decidedly fall look and feel at certain times of the day. Our high was only about 70 degrees today - kind of felt like fall too. I even got out there and moved some plants around it was so fall-like. Now it's raining - perfect timing!
I hope your Dad continues to to well. Such a traumatic procedure at his age! Well, he must be a tough old bird (no disrespect intended, it's an expression my mother used to use) and his determination will carry him through.
Your gardens are beautiful. That datura!!! I've never seen blooms so big!! They truly are gorgeous plants. We can't overwinter them here, so need to bring them indoors. I had one a couple of years ago, but it grew too big to handle, so let it go.
School so early? Yuk! We used to go after labour day in September. Not any more. The kids here these days start at the end of August.
Happy gardening!
Hi Beckie, did you see that everyone who entered to win a Cobrahead weeder gets one? Please email so I can get your email address and send you info on how you can get yours!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Beckie! What a beautiful mish mash of your garden images... I should and will do that this week as summer is coming to an end and I've lots of color to show!
I am so impressed w/ your dad...wishing him healing and continued strengh! Way to go dad for sure!!
hugs anna xo
Beautiful photos, Beckie! The rain drops just glisten on your flowers; I can see you are really getting the hang of your supermacro. And gorgeous shots of the dragonflies. I've seen quite a few here in Portland; M's apartment is right across from a wetlands area, so they fly across the street here for a little visit.
Daughter's internet just got hooked up an hour ago, so what am I doing, but reading blogs, of course:) By the time I get home, I'm going to need a REAL vacation! Hope you've had a good week and your Dad is feeling much better.
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