Because of Skywatch, I like to think I am more aware of my surroundings than I used to be. I try to take the time to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.
Nature provides us with quite a show if only we stop and look.
Do you take the time to look skyward?
I will leave you with this photo from a couple of weeks ago. Today, as we remember all those who perished in the 9/11 attack, let the rainbow represent the love and hope for the future for all their families and friends.
Gorgeous all. Thank you for sharing!
Enigma, thanks for visiting. I'm glad you liked the photos. :)
That's one of the great things about central IL, it's big sky country, and your photos have captured some beautiful moods of it. I started sky watching (actually cloud watching) when I was looking for models of clouds to paint on my living room walls.
Hi Beckie, I agree, skywatch is a good opportunity to visit different websites. I took a few photos of the foggy sunrise this morning. Love the photo of the huge cloud bank. The rainbow is a fitting picture to use as a 9-11 tribute.
Cloud watching has always been a favorite pastime of the grands and mine. We can usually find some fun shapes in the clouds. I too will be remembering 9/11 today, and am grateful you posted such a positive hopeful reminder.
You are right. We are surrounded by natures awesome beauty. We all need to take more time and enjoy it.
Hi Beckie, I love your photos. I too love Skywatch though I never time it right to participate! I have a friend who teaches college astronomy and always get miffed when he doesn't mention cool stuff to me. I do like to know what phase the moon is and I also like clouds and weather. The sense of physical space is very important to me.
Wow, some really beautiful sky photos Beckie.
Beautiful pictures Beckie. I think every since I started blogging and taking pictures I have really noticed all the beauty that surrounds us.
Beautiful photos, Beckie! Actually, I have been a skywatcher most of my life; as a child, I loved to watch the clouds and daydream. I also read once that watching the sky was a great way to relieve stress and to soothe irritated eyes. I don't know about the second, but it does help to make a person calmer!
The rainbow is a great capture and a very fitting tribute to all those who lost their lives on this day.
Hope you are feeling better!
Great photos. I'm so used to seeing mountains here, that when I see photos from the mid-west, I try to figure out why the sunsets look different. I do think it's the lack of mountains in profile.
Beautiful pictures!! I love watching the clouds move, especially on a windy day. Sometimes they look like a herd of sheep gliding across the blue and other time like galloping white stallions!
Beautiful sky shots Beckie! I've always paid a lot of attention to my surroundings, and even more so since my grandson has been around. Seeing the world through his eyes has taught me to be even more observant. Blogging has done the same, and both have enriched my life greatly.
MMD, Clouds are fun to paint, but I never know where to stop. :)Central Ill. is a great place to see the clouds from. Out here in the prairie we have little to obscyre our view.
Marnie, this last week around here we had fog every morning. It made the drive to work a long one, but I never thought to take pictures. I'll bet they turned out great.
MG, the grand girls and I often watch clouds especially when we are driving. They look for shapes and then explain them to me. Makes the drive go much more smoothly. :)
LV, thanks for visiting. As I get older I find I do take more time to enjoy nature. And I try to share it with my grand girls.
Monica, I often grab the camera when I see what I think would make a good sky photo. LOts just don't turn out well. Somehow the camera doesn't always catch the beauty.
Lisa, thanks! Glad you enjoyed them.
Susie, thanks. I too think blogging has helped me learn to slow down and enjoy nature more. Sometimes seeing things through someone else's eyes brings an Ah Ha! realization.
Rose, if it helps with stress, I will be doing a lot more cloud watching! :) I am doing a little better, but still think it's a flare. :(
Aiyana, I would love to see mountains with the clouds! :)
Bev, glad to hear from you. Sheep and stallions-I will have to look for those.
Linda, those grandkids show us a lot don't they? How fun to see nature through their eyes!
Dear Beckie, Your shots of the sky are wonderful. Yes, I love looking up into the changing sky. It often makes me sigh with contentment and wonder. I hope your weekend was delicious! gail
Yes, I do watch the sky, and am more aware of the beauty around me, like you, ever since I started doing SkyWatch.
Your photos here are awesome! I think the first is my favorite.
The idea of looking up is a great one, Beckie. The skies are full of interesting colors and shapes, your captures proving that. Thanks. :-)
I know what you mean in your previous post about life getting in the way, Beckie. Glad to see you blogging a bit more and getting out and around to other blogs.
Your sky watch photos are gorgeous. I wonder what would happen if more of us took more time to lay around and rejoice in the beauty of clouds and sky above us? We probably wouldn't have any more 9/11s. I can hope, anyway.
Oh Beckie - these are beautiful! Notice how the telephone (or electrical) poles seem to be outlined in light? And the cloud formations are just awesome!
Love that rainbow and what a great way to end this post.
Love and Light,
Your photos are lovely, Beckie. I've been a huge 'skywatcher' since childhood, hoping to be an astronomer :) Happy autumn ... the sky will be awesome!
Those are nice pictures of the sky and a rainbow. I liked the first picture where the sky and the clouds had an orange color. Whenever I look at the sky on a sunny day, I would enjoy looking at the blue sky and white clouds.
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