The Ruby? lilies are still blooming strong. This variety has really come into it's own this year, and is ready to be divided. In fact I think I can get two good sized fans-one to share with Rose and one to start a new bed. Well, maybe not new, but I have plans to enlarge a bed adding this day lily and a few other plants.
Introducing.... 'Andrea's Dragonfly'. This is the unnamed lily Rose gave me in memory of Andrea and said to name it in honor of her. Dear Hubby came up with the simple, but heartfelt name. We have plans to put a plant marker by it. I may have told you this, but Rose was Andrea's Godmother and also loved her very much. The gift of this lily has meant so much to us.
This is another unnamed lily we bought together and split. I have named this one 'Dragonfly Corner'. A little corny maybe, but it is next to Andrea's and I thought it fitting. This fall or next spring, I plan to add some ivory colored lilies to this area to break up the orange a little.
The last new lily I purchased from 5 Acre Day Lily Farms was ' Orange Slush'. Isn't she gorgeous?? I know- a lot of oranges, but this one is in a bed with lots of other colors.
Did you know sweet potato vines bloom? I had never seen one bloom before, but this dark one which was just marked 'Ipomoea' has several of these lavender blooms on it. I am so pleased. :)

One, just one of the red mix sunflowers I planted indoors made it. Really sunflowers need to be direct sown as they develop a long tap root that does not do well in the little peat pots. I am going to plant more of these next year because of the color and the height. This one is maybe 10' tall!
One, just one of the red mix sunflowers I planted indoors made it. Really sunflowers need to be direct sown as they develop a long tap root that does not do well in the little peat pots. I am going to plant more of these next year because of the color and the height. This one is maybe 10' tall!
And look what bloomed in my garden. A poppy!! After all my complaining about not being able to grow these, one has surprised me. I think this is from some seed that Cheryl sent me, but can't find the packet. Seems like they were Icelandic?? I also planted parsley indoors this spring and put them out for the butterflies in various spots in the garden. Well, it turns out these poppies have foliage very similar to that of the parsley, so I have at least 2 that are poppies instead of parsley. I am SO HAPPY!

The finches have been literally fighting over the sunflower seeds. They have been a joy to watch, but oh so hard to get a good photo of. As you can see by this head, a lot of the seeds are already gone. Never fear, I have many more blooming and they should keep the beautiful birds around for quite a while.

A few-and I do mean few butterflies have come to the garden. This skipper, a Silver-Spotted one is very common from Canada to Mexico. But I am glad she is in my gardens and enjoying the Verbena Bona that Cheryl sent. I have loved seeing these plants in my garden. They are light and airy and draw the eye upwards.

This is the biggest bee I think I have ever seen! I watched him for a long time and each time he flew away, he would come right back to the Victoria Blue saliva. Another plant I have been extremely happy with!
The finches have been literally fighting over the sunflower seeds. They have been a joy to watch, but oh so hard to get a good photo of. As you can see by this head, a lot of the seeds are already gone. Never fear, I have many more blooming and they should keep the beautiful birds around for quite a while.
A few-and I do mean few butterflies have come to the garden. This skipper, a Silver-Spotted one is very common from Canada to Mexico. But I am glad she is in my gardens and enjoying the Verbena Bona that Cheryl sent. I have loved seeing these plants in my garden. They are light and airy and draw the eye upwards.
This is the biggest bee I think I have ever seen! I watched him for a long time and each time he flew away, he would come right back to the Victoria Blue saliva. Another plant I have been extremely happy with!
Finally, a Painted Lady has come to visit. Last year we had dozens of these all over the cone flowers. This is the first one I have seen this year. Maybe she will send word to the others that there is lots of pollen now at Dragonfly Corner!

But look what was here and I missed her. The Monarch has laid eggs and the caterpillars are out eating their way to becoming a pupa. I know these are Monarch larva because they have black, yellow and white stripes. The Queen's larva, which resembles the Monarch, has brown and yellow stripes.

We have tomato! Our very first, a 'German Queen' Heirloom tomato. And it was grown in our very own Topsy Turvy. :)
But look what was here and I missed her. The Monarch has laid eggs and the caterpillars are out eating their way to becoming a pupa. I know these are Monarch larva because they have black, yellow and white stripes. The Queen's larva, which resembles the Monarch, has brown and yellow stripes.
We have tomato! Our very first, a 'German Queen' Heirloom tomato. And it was grown in our very own Topsy Turvy. :)
And lastly, another mystery plant. I know all of you are wishing I kept better track of what I planted and where. :) But I do not remember planting this, nor do I have any recollection of ever seeing anything like this. It may be a weed, but it looks very interesting. Especially what I assume is the flower bud-which has been like this for days. Any ideas?
I hope I didn't jump around too much, It's just that I had a lot I wanted to share. Maybe If I could find time to post more often....
Have a great gardening week!
Hi Beckie, so much is going on in your garden. Love all the color. Naming the daylily after Andrea is an excellent idea. I know you think of her often but this way you will see a spark of her in your garden every time the daylily blooms. I think your unknown plant looks like a Datura. If you get a big bloom at night that is what it is. Cheers.
Lisa, thanks! I sure hopr that is what it is as my moonflower turned out to be an asparagus bean plant. :) The garden really is looking good now, but I think that has more to do with rain and cool temps than with any expertise on my part. Have a great week!
Beckie, all those butterflies! And caterpillars, as well! You know I'm green with envy:) Actually, I have seen more butterflies lately, but usually they're in flight and don't land long enough for me to get a photo.
Isn't this a great year for daylilies? I'm amazed at all the blooms you still have, especially on the newly planted ones. You know I'll welcome any divisions:) Your sunflowers also look great. I had two short ones bloom, and that was all. I think they had to compete with too many weeds.
I can see you are really enjoying your new camera and the super-macro--great shots of the bees and butterflies!
I love your daylilies and I think you gave them beautiful names. You are right, my sweet potato vines have never bloomed altho I knew they were related to morning glories. It looks a lot like a morning glory bloom.
If those butterfly larva are on fennel doen't they have to be tiger swallowtails. Monarchs only lay eggs on milkweed I think.
Hi Beckie, your garden looks so bright and cheerful. I think the last plant is a moonflower (datura). Does it smell a little weird if you touch it? It should get big white flowers that open at night. It's cool-looking! I have a ton of nectar plants for butterflies but not a lot of host plants, which is something I'm going to remedy next year! Looking forward to seeing your garden in person! :)
Lovely blooms Beckie, my favorite is the goldfinch on the sunflower. Looks like he is reaching over to the Cosmos to get at those seeds.
I had a black sweet potato vine a few years ago and it bloomed like crazy! Nice bonus.
I'd say for sure your unknown plant is in the datura family. I think Datura stramonium, aka moonflower or night blooming jimsonweed. It self seeds fairly reliably and is a fabulous plant. Your daylilies are gorgeous. I don't think you can ever have too many oranges. I like your names for them too.
Beckie you do have lots going on in your garden. That tomato looks delish and I love the pic with the finch on the sunflower. I bet they provide you with lots of entertainment.
I'm with Lisa on your mystery plant. I too think that is a Datura.
One other thing, in answer to your question regarding sea shells. I didn't bring any home this time. Usually I do cause I love to walk the beach and search for them.
Sorry, one more thing, love the Andrea's flydragon daylily, that's a wonderful name.
Beckie....where do I start...what a lovely post.....I am so proud of much is a credit to you, it really is.
I am so glad the one poppy they will spread, just you wait and see....
I lost all of my sunflowers to rabbits but my little grandson who took some seeds has grown two lovely red ones. I shall take a look next time I visit....
The daylily is perfect....and the names you have chosen reflects the deep love you have for your daughter.....Rose is a good and kind person, I am happy you have each other. Good friends are rare.....
I loved the big bee....and he is big.....and beautiful...
So pleased the butterflies arrived and Monarch caterpillars, how exciting, so exciting....
Lovely Monday post Beckie.....tku....
Hi Beckie, you have so much beauty in your garden! The datura looks like the kind with large white flowers, also called Angel's Trumpet. Even without knowing it, you have sown a paradise for the pollinators. I am so happy to see your catts too. And poppies with parsley, it just doesn't get any better. All of your daylilies are wonderful. We have one bud stalk for a rebloom. Maybe yours will as well. :-)
'Andrea's Dragonfly' is a lovely name for a lovely Daylily, a very fitting tribute. Congratulations on your Poppy, such a pleasant surprise. I love your photos of the caterpillars.
So much colour - so many good flowers, butterflies and bees! I love your lilies. Yellow and orange are my favourite colours to brighten up the garden. They say sunshine to me!
Rose is a true friend. I hope your Andrea's dragonfly lily thrives and comes back next year.
I've noticed more finches in our neighbourhood this year, have you?
Have a good week!
Wow, you've got all sorts of beautiful blooms and colorful creatures in your garden. Andrea's daylily is just lovely and I know it will make you smile every time it blooms.
I had to chuckle about your "mystery Plant"
I had one too and for the life of me couldn't remember hat it was called until I say it in your post! LOL
Victoria Blue Salvia is a beauty! I have it planted with something red that I also can't remember what the name is! Being 70 does have a few drawbacks!
Your photo's are beautiful. I have never seen a bee like that here, but have noticed over the past few years that we seem to have some very unusual critters hanging around.
Wonderful photos, I wonder if your caterpillars are Black Swallowtail Butterfly? I get them every year on my fennel, in fact I plant the fennel just for them, I brought one in the house last summer, it hatched inside and then we released it, it was fun!
Great daylilies and bee photo!
That's the perfect name for your daylily Beckie! It's just beautiful too. I started some verbena bonariensis from seed the end of June, I wanted it so badly and couldn't find any at our greenhouses. I'm so glad you're happy with yours. I hope I have it blooming next year in my garden too. I agree your mystery plant looks like a datura. My dog groomer has them return year after year in her garden so maybe yours will do that too? I'm also wondering if those caterpillars aren't Swallowtails? Either way, you're so lucky to have them. I hope they successfully make the transformation to gorgeous butterflies. Especially since this year butterflies of any kind seem to be scarce. Amazing your sunflower heads are already that big too! Mine are just starting to bloom. Have a great August!
Hello Beckie~~How wonderful that your garden is filled with plants that delight us and take care of critters! It's double wonderful that so many plants have come from friends near and far away. Andrea's Dragonfly is a beautiful daylily and I know it will make you smile whenever you see it. Have a sweet week! gail
I enjoyed this post, too. That Andrea Dragonfly is a pretty tribute to your daughter.
I saw from your last post that you figured out that was a moonflower. I am getting ready to post a veggie garden update with a caterpillar that looks like yours that I thought was a swallowtail one. I"ll have to look for images to see which they are. This one is on fennel I planted for it.
My sunflowers across the street aren't getting enough light. They are blooming, but are falling over, either from the weight of the squirrels, or the wind and rain. I've never seen birds on them.
Oh, I forgot to mention your morning glory reminded me of the tye dye I used to get seedlings of from a lady at a farmers' market. Are the leaves variegated?
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