Wednesday, June 25, 2008

News! and More Blooms!

Life takes many twist and turns, doesn't it? We go merrily along our way thinking we know just what is going to happen next and then surprise, an unexpected comes along. What is this all about, you ask?

Well, I'll tell you. After 10 years of being on disability, a new medicine has come along that has changed my life. Many of you know part of my story and for those that don't...I was diagnosed about 10 years ago with Fibromyalgia. I was happy at the job I was working at and fully intended to work there until I retired. It was not to be. I simply could not continue to work. I spent many years in pain and my world became increasingly smaller. This January, I started a new medicine called 'Lyrica'. And as I have said to anyone who will stand still and listen, it has been a miracle for me. I have worked many hours in my gardens, have been able to do more with my granddaughters, and in general have enjoyed life so much more. All of this is to tell you, I have a job! Granted , it is only part-time , but I feel useful again!

The only down side to all of this is I won't have as much time to garden or blog. I will probably only get to post twice a week. But I intend to visit just as much as before. I can't give up all the friends I have made in blog land. I would miss out on all the great posts you write, and all the wonderful pictures you share. Nope! Not going to give up blogging. Housework...maybe.

You are probably getting tired of seeing my Asiatic lilies, I know. But I just couldn't resist showing some of the new ones that have bloomed.

I wish I had kept name tags for these, but that was before I knew I should-or ever guessed I would be showing them on the Internet.

Still, I am so pleased with these. They are providing spots of color in the gardens during the transition from spring to summer bloomers.

I love the freckles in this one.

This is such a delicate pink.

And a perfectly peachy bloom.

This is from the wildflower seeds I started indoors. Sorry, no clue as to what kind, but it's pinkle(pink-purple) so I love it.

Zinnia's from seed. Pink and purple...notice a theme here?

The butterfly bush is just starting to open-purple. Need you even ask? Now for some butterflies.

My cone flowers(pink, what else!) are looking pretty good. I never did see what was eating them, and they seemed to have moved on, thank goodness. So I have about a zillion getting ready to bloom.
So that's what's blooming in my gardens at the moment. The containers are starting to fill in and the roses are getting ready to bloom. Perennial Phlox are about ready to blossom, and sunflowers should be opening next week. Oh, and I have flower scapes on most of my day lilies. I was beginning to be a little concerned about them, but guess I was trying to rush the season.
Great gardening to you all the rest of the week and have a wonderful weekend.


Beth said...

oh Beckie, Congratulations! I'm so happy to hear about the medication helping and will pass that on to a friend who suffers from fibromyalgia. Your asiatic lillies are lovely so post as many pictures as you like. Again, I'm so happy to hear about your health improvement and the job.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

What great news Beckie. I am so happy for you.

I could never get tired of looking at your lillies. They are so colorful and provide much drama in the garden.

Rose said...

Beckie, I was surprised to see a post from you this morning. Glad to know the new job won't interfere too much with your adventures in blogland.

As I told you this weekend, I have noticed how much energy you seem to have had these last few months--more than me! I am so glad that Lyrica has proved to be such a godsend for you.

Your lilies are gorgeous; keep on showing them!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Beckie, that's the best news! I have another friend who suffers with the same thing. I now how much pain it causes and how much she misses out on.

We can live with twice a week blog posts if it means you are feeling better and enjoying more things. I'm so glad for your. My fingers are crossed that you like your new job.
Have a wonderful day!!!!!

Mr. McGregor's Daughter said...

That's fantastic! Don't worry about posting less often, we won't forget about you. My first conflower bloomed & the petals have been chomped! I was hoping you had figured out what did it. I can't see it being slugs because Coneflowers have such rough stems. I bet it's Earwigs.

beckie said...

Beth, thanks. I have heard some people can't take the med. and some have varying degrees of success. But it is worth a try. I know I would have tried anything to feel better. I just love those lilies. They provide spots of color while everything else is just thinking about blooming.

Lisa, you are right. Drama is a good word for it. Thanks for your well wishes. I feel human again!

Rose, I do have more energy, but I have been a couch potato for so long it is taking me a while to build up stamina. I'm thinking of dividing some of these lilies bulbs this fall-want some?

Marnie, be sure to tell your friend about the LYRICA. A lot of Doctors won't suggest it, but are willing to try it if you ask. The job is only 3 days a week, but I am not used to 8 hrs. straight! It's nothing special, but I am busy and the time goes quickly. Thanks for your encouragement.

beckie said...

MMD, isn't that a bummer? You wait and wait and then something gets to it before it blooms. I'll bet since you have earwigs in other areas that's what it is. I would hate to spray, but maybe around the base of the plants to discourage them. Going back to work has been a goal for a long time, but now I don't want it to take time away from my blogging. I know lots out there who work full time and garden and blog, but I'm not that organized. We will see how it goes. Besides the more I work, the more plants I can buy!

Morning Glories in Round Rock said...

I love all your garden pictures, and never tire of seeing beautiful lilies! But, most importantly, I am so happy to hear of your thoughts on Lyrica. I too suffer from fybromyalgia, and have felt my world become increasingly smaller. Having seen all the commercials for it, I was leery of talking to my doctor because of all the side effects. I will rethink this decision now. Thanks!

Jane O' said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. There are several member in our family with fibromyalgia so I know how hard it has been for you.
Congratulations on your new job. Things are looking up.
The lilies are beautiful, I love the freckles, too.

beckie said...

Morning glories, Thanks for the compliment. I hope you try Lyrica and give it a chance.

Jane Marie, it is life altering, that's for sure. But I am so much improved now and enjoying life more. I too love the freckles on these lilies. They bring a smile to my face.

Cheryl said...

Hi Beckie....congratulations on the job.....I do hope it is everything you wish for.

The lillies are beautiful, you have so many different kinds. They must make a beautiful display.
They do not do well here, I have to put mine in pots and house them in the greenhouse over winter.

Have a good week.....expect you are excited about the new job, good luck........

Stephanie said...

your flowers look so good

Susie said...

Hi Beckie,

Found your site from Perennial Garden Lovers' blog. Love your lillies. They are beautiful! Love the pinks and purples.

Wendy said...

Hi Beckie,
I will never get tired of seeing your asiatic lilies! They are my favourite - and I love the aroma!
Congratulations on your job! What kind of a job is it? Oh, I think part-time is plenty. I wouldn't want to work full time - way too much.
I am sooooooo glad your medication has given you such good results.
I am still doing well on my Elavil. So, I'll stick with it.
I totally understand not wanting to give up this community of bloggers. I'd give up housework in a heartbeat to blog with all of you wonderful people.
Way to go Beckie!! Yippeeeeeee.

beckie said...

Cheryl, thanks. It is a nothing special job. But it was close to home(5 mi) and they gave me the hours I wanted. It helps with EWS and will give me a little extra to spoil the granddaughters.

I wonder why the lilies don't do well there as we have very cold winters. If you can get some to bloom in pots that's great.

You have a great weekend!

Stephanie, thanks for the compliment and for visiting.

Susie, welcome to my blog and to the wonderful world of blogging. Pinks and purples are my favorites. I keep thinking I should add some brighter colors and I do have a few, but I REALLY love pink and purple.:)

Wendy, thank you. They are a good bloomer for this time in the gardens. Spring is done but the summer flowers aren't quite going yet. The job is an okay one, but it's good to be out with people. And what I am doing isn't hard-well I will take a while to adjust after being off work for so long. I figure if I have to give up something, it's gonna be the house work!:)(like you said)This new medicine has made it possible for me to be the 'old' me. Just a little older and slower thinking. I hope things are going okay with you. I thought maybe your meds were helping. Good for you.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Beckie and McGregors Daughter. In my garden it's earwigs that eat the coneflower petals (at night mostly). Hate those things. It's been a wet spring so we have a lot of the little pests this year.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Becky about the job and the medication helping you. I hope you keep on blogging. I've enjoyed your posts and chit-chatting with you on my blog as well. Your lillies are gorgeous. Mine are long spent now, so I am jealous. :)

Susie said...


Thanks so much for visiting my site. I put a little bit of everything on there(I guess you could tell). I just started this about a month ago and am very hooked.

I'll be sure to keep progress of the coral vine on my blog.

Cathy said...

I'm glad the new drug has worked wonders for you. Congrats on the new job and good luck!

Karen said...

Congratualtions and best of luck with your job! Never ever too tired of seeing more pictures!

Jean said...

Glad to hear Lyrica works for you. I'm afraid to try it because of the side affects. My insurance won't pay for my celebrex anymore. Love all your blooms. You should stop by and join us for Bloomin' Tuesday. Thank you for visiting and for your birthday wishes.

laurent Debordes said...


Gail said...


I never knew, but am thrilled to know you have found relief! Several folks I know swear by Lyrica NOT at it!

Your lilies are lovely! I have you on my RSS feed so it is easy to keep up with new posts! Have fun at the new job.


beckie said...

Marnie, you are probably right, but I hate to spray. So may just let them have some.

PG, I intend to keep blogging, it is a lot of fun. May have to cut back just a little on house work though! The lilies are a treat I look forward to every year, but they don't last long enough.

Susie, I enjoyed your blog and look forward to visiting you again.

Cathy, thanks and I am so pleased too!

Karen, I am glad you enjoy the pictures. I have always got the camera with me now. Unfortunately, a lot of them don't turn out!

Jean, blog surfing took me to yours and I was pleased to find yours. Will be visiting a lot.

Laubaine, Merci-I think. :)

Amy said...

So glad that Lyrica works for you and that you are able to do more now. I have hope that fibromyalgia will be better understood and better treated someday. I know how awful this illness is, as my mother has it and nothing helps enough to give her a normal life again. So, I am very, very happy for you!!

Mountain Mama said...

I'm so glad the new med is giving you relief. Pain is so hard to live with adn it sure wears one out.

Your Lily's are absolutely gorgeous! I have a few but have a terrible problem with slugs here and they do love Lily's. I have orange and yellow ones blooming and am waiting for a wine colored one to open. The slugs have nearly destroyed my lovely pink, but I plan to move it this fall to a sunnier spot where the slugs won't be so apt to dwell.
Enjoy yur new job.

Laura said...

I'm relieved to hear that your medication is working for you! My husband has a cousin that has fibromyalgia; I think it took a long time for her to get diagnosed (she has a history of hypochondria).

Your lilies look beautiful! I have a couple of them blooming now too; there's always room for more!

Eve said...

Funny how life works..I had just the opposite result from you. I have had PRP for six years,,one medicine after another with no day about a year ago, I threw all of them away and took nothing. I immediately started feeling better and today I am almost back to normal. Wonder drugs are a miracle for some, not so much for others...I'm so happy they work for you..
Your flowers are beautiful and dirty fingernails are a badge of honor. Some of my best friends have dirty fingernails..LOL

flydragon said...

Hi, My daughter also has fibromyalgia and takes Lyrica. It has done wonders for her also. Glad it helps you too. Love your lillies.