I know... you are all in shock at seeing a post from me, let alone a Bloom Day post! I had fully intended to do Valentine one, but grand kids , little sleep, and a disappointing Illinois basketball game got in the way.

The one actual blooming plant I have is a violet that followed me home a few months ago. I love it's dark purple with white edged flowers. Of course there was no name on it or any of the others-just simply said 'violet' on the tag. Maybe I should buy them somewhere other than the large discount store. But the the price was right and I could hear it calling my name.

This bouquet was my Valentine gift from Hubby. He is such a sweetie! We both love this florist. and think she does exceptional work. There is always a little something extra or eye catching in her designs. And one more thing, she always uses the freshest flowers. Her creations last longer than any others I have had.

These yellow roses are absolutely gorgeous! I have never seen so many petals. Did you know the color yellow in a rose means 'joy', 'happiness', 'friendship', and ' I care'? All of these pretty much sum up our relationship. He is my best friend, he brings great joy to my life, and of course I love and care for him very deeply. Isn't he smart!

I couldn't resist a macro of the center-just look at all those petals still to open.

I am sure you know what these are. But have you ever seen any this size? I was amazed at these and now have great hopes for the bulb
Rose gave me. I just need to learn how to care for it after it is done blooming. The bud stalk is growing every day and when it does bloom, I will share with you.

Yes, you guessed, they are Amaryllis. We went out for a Valentine breakfast and there were several huge pots of these in the restaurant's green house room. This double white was at least 10" across. Needless to say, I want one!
And this red was the size of a meat platter! All of these gorgeous blooms were just what I needed to start chasing away the winter blahs. Of course, the 2" of snow we got that evening made spring seem a long way off again. :)
Have a great week and hang in there-spring will surely come one day.
Hi Becky - nice to see you back! And with beautiful blooms to boot! Ha - don't you just love it when flowers follow you home? LOL! Happens to me too!
That white amaryllis looks so unique. I've never seen one quite like that before. And your rose bouquet - how beautiful. Happy Valentine's day to you!
Hi Beckie, thanks for coming over to say hi...and I'm glad to see you posting! I don't know if you even realized I had 'stopped blogging' for a period of time between Nov and Jan...I really thought I could quit. It's literally impossible to quit, even if you delete all your faves on blotanical and take your blog offline! When I checked back 2 mo. later, everyone was still there waiting for me;-) Well, I know we will ALL be happy to see this winter go. It's been a crazy one, for sure!
Can't imagine seeing a dinner plate sized amaryllis bloom! LOVE your yellow roses. Very full and you will be able to watch it unfold for a while to come. By the time it's finished, maybe your spring flowers will be up! haha. Maybe that's wishful thinking?!
Take care, and so good to touch base with you! Jan
Hello! It is so good to have you posting! I've really missed you, but totally know how life can be. Your bloom day bouquet is wonderful. Lucky you to get such beauties from your sweetie pie...He has very good taste. You take care and keep warm. gail
Your weekend was really colorful for such a cold February. Happy Bloom Day.
Congratulations on your blossoming plants. I love that violet one with white edges, the white amaryllis too. Have you seen my orange amaryllis hedges in my older post this year, oh i brag about it, lol. Thanks for your nice words on my green succulents.
Your white amaryllis is stunning, and what a sweet Valentine's arrangement. Happy GBBD!
I'm very glad to see a post from you Beckie. I miss hearing from you.
Your Valentine bouquet is very pretty. I love yellow roses.
And I have to say I have never seen a white Amaryllis like the one you showed. That's a beauty for sure.
Hope you are doing well and staying warm. Can spring be too far away???
Hooray, you're back...and I missed this last night! Hubby is such a sweetie to bring you such beautiful flowers every holiday. I think yellow roses are even prettier than the red ones. Is that the amaryllis bulb I gave you? It looks like there are three in the pot! Wow, when this one blooms, it will be something! Just don't move the pot around:)
Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day! I have some big news for you when I talk to you again...involving Arizona Daughter...bells....a big rock...:)
Yea Beckie! Thanks for the delightful post, happy you enjoyed a beautiful V-Day. Love the photos and your macro eye :)
Beckie Spring may be on it's way outdoors but inside your home it surely has sprung!
Gorgeous roses I agree!Love is expressed with your beautiful bouquet! xo
Dear Beckie, Perhaps you need to somehow make medicinal sherry or scotch available to readers so as to recover from shock, LOL! Neither of my amaryllis bulbs is blooming yet, but I'm not giving up hope. It's nice to get flowers, isn't it? I mean, ones you didn't even have to grow! :)
My goodness Becky you are quite bloomy. Love the flowers S gave you. He is a sweetheart. See you soon.
Hi, Becky - I thought yellow Roses meant "I'm jealous." Maybe the meaning has been changed to sell more yellow Roses. That's a lovely arrangement & a nice change from the cliched red Roses.
I'm now a convert to the cult of the Amaryllis. You definitely should get one, no, 5 or 6 different ones for next year. They're just so decadent!
Wendy, I hope more flowers will follow me home this spring. I am wanting to get some potted tulips and hyacinths to bring color into the house. That white amaryllis is a double-I hadn't actually seen one before either. Aren't they stunning?
Jan, I knew you hadn't posted there for a long time. I'm glad you are back. You have such a great blog with wonderful photos and such insight. And you are always so positive. :)
Gail, thank you. I have missed posting, but the ideas are few and far between. But I am so enjoying everyone else's posting. Such great photos and themes. Hope you spring comes soon.
NellJean, thank you for visiting. I certainly enjoyed rading about your gardening adventures.
Andrea, I will have to look for the orange amaryllis on your site. Sounds beautiful.
Caroline, those double amaryllis are gorgeous aren't they. I am going to have to find some of them.
Susie, I missed posting, too. But can't seem to come up with good ideas. The amaryllis is a double and I think they they come in several colors. Anyway, I am going to look and see if I can get some for next year.
Rose, Hubby is a dear. He has always gotten me flowers and I do so enjoy them. Can't wait to hear all the big news!! You must be so excited. ( I know I am!)
Joey, glad you enjoyed the post. And I did have a very nice V-day, thank you. :)
Anna, I had the bouquet on the dinning room table, but soon moved it to the living room where I could see itt more. It does look like spring. :)
Monica, you and I both have been lax about posting, but I am sure we will get back in the swing when spring comes. I wish you well with your bulbs. Seems like some of them can be difficult. I think we are going to miss each other at the flower show. :(
Lisa, you know Hubby, he is quite the romantic. Are you guys going to the Cancer Auction?? That would be such fun to have us all there!
MMD, you are right, one of the meanings for yellow roses is jealousy, but I took author's liberty and left that one out. :) I'm with you on the amaryllis. I would think the bulbs will soon be on sale. If I find some, I will just have to remember to plant them next fall(if I remember where I out them)
Hi Beckie
Lovely to be back visiting your blog.....
Beautiful blooms.....I love the white amaryllis, I can see why you would wish for one....
The bouquet is wonderful.....and the rose is just lovely (I am very much into yellows at the moment) I think it may be due to the lack of sunshine....I miss yellow.....
Husband is an absolute treasure..
A very pleasant surprise, Becky, to see you posting for bloom day! I love the color on that violet and white blooms are perfect, but the heart stealer are the yellow roses. I did not know they meant joy, but the yellow roses have always been my favorites, even though we only have one, Carefree Sunshine, growing here. I love how you describe your relationship with you husband of 42 years. You were obviously a child bride! Happy bloom day and valentine's day, my friend! :-)
Well you just have a ton of blooms For Bloom Day. So gorgeous! You were right to put that violet first as it is a stunning shade of blue. Your husband sounds like a real sweetie indeed. I know he is your rock (along with Rose of course)>
My hat off to your husband, he also got an eye for beauty. Those are lovely flowers especially the yellow roses. And the white amaryllis is a stunning beauty. I hope you had a great Valentine's Date. My wife and I tried this Valentine's Tuxedo Strawberry Recipe. I hope you'll do too. Happy GBBD! :)
I know you're even more ready for spring than I am! Great shot of the African Violet. I try not to look at them in stores or nurseries ... I fear I might start collecting!
Sure do understand being busy Beckie!
Good to see your post - love those amaryllis, and your Valentine's bouquet and violet are so pretty - gotta have some indoor blooms this time of year!
What a lovely little plant to follow you home. They are the best way to chase away those winter blues. Great macro shots. Hubby is very thoughtful to bring you Valentine's flowers that gorgeous.
It is great to "see" you Beckie! Your hubby is one sweet Valentine. Love the arrangement and how thoughtful he was about selecting the colors, etc. I like the pink pipe cleaners shaped like hearts and the red heart ornament in it too. Those are really nice touches.
Beautiful Amaryllis too. I love any/all of them. I'm so glad it's almost spring and I bet you are too. Hope life is good for you right now.
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