Although this is a little hard to see(the photographer's fault), these twin zinnias have twin 'painted ladys' on them. I should call this gardening year, 'the year of the painted ladies'. There have been so many for so long-I am amazed.
The cosmos I started indoors back in March has bloomed continuously since early June. What and endearing flower. Just plant it and forget it. I am going to give them their own little area next year and try to find a variety of colors. This year I have just had the pinks and maroons.
I have enjoyed seeing the other GBBD posts this month and amazed at the colors and varieties some of you still have. I will have to work on extending my bloom time next year. That means adding more flowers to my wish list. I have enjoyed doing the list-easy enough to add to it when I see something that strikes me. But what I should have done is made a notation of where I saw the flower-which post. I guess there is always next year to do that as I am sure my list will be even longer after seeing your gardens in 2009.
Rash update** Yes, I still have it. Yes, it is a little better. Yes, it is still draining my energies. And yes, I am sick of it!
Thank you for all your concerns, caring and offers of advice. I keep telling myself this will pass-and I know it will. I'm just feeling grumpy yet. And I can't even blame it on the Prednisone now. :)
Hope you are all enjoying your autumn!
Hi Beckie, How nice for you that autumn is showing up for you in all its colorful ways. I really do wish we could have our winters AND have beautiful autumn colors... but, alas we can't have it all can we?
Love the painted ladies and it is a treat to see so many at one time isn't it?
That heavenly blue should win a prize for something don't you think? It is a treat to see everytime...
Beckie, I didn't know you had cosmos in your garden! You know that I was really taken with these when we saw them last week at Meadowbrook. I agree with Meems that the blue morning glory deserves some kind of an award.
Don't feel bad about getting your post up late; I worked on mine here and there in between subbing, babysitting, and everything else, but haven't had time yet to read very many others' nor reply to any comments. Oh well, we'll catch up one of these days, won't we? Enjoy your weekend if I don't get to talk to you before then.
Hi Beckie,
I'm glad I found your post! I have a lot of the same kind of flowers as you. My morning glories aren't that pretty blue, and are about finished, now.
I also have enjoyed daily visits from lots of Painted Ladies.
I need to get to bed, but am curious about your rash, so I'll have to check your other posts. My 26 yr old DD has severe eczema, and has just found out she is allergic to wheat, soy, peanuts, and cats. She has a cat she plans on keeping. Her skin was almost healed, but she ate things she wasn't supposed to, and broke out very badly again.
I don't know what your rash is, but I can understand how miserable it is, from being around DD. I hope it is healing well for you.
Hi Beckie, your autumn color is gorgeous. We are just starting to see bits of leave color here. Those zinnias have been butterfly magnets. I ordered seed for them for my garden next year. Don't you just love the Cosmos, they are such happy little flowers & long bloomers too. Heavenly Blue is stealing the show in your garden..prolific bloomer!
I had an extra packet of cosmo seeds this year and just tossed them in the garden. They didn't flower hardly at all until now. They were just waiting till there was nothing else left so they could be the stars.
I'm still amazed at your blue glory.
Meems, that wouldn't be fair if you had great winters and fall beauty! The painted ladies have been more than abundant this year. I wonder if they are like locusts and have cycles they go through. You're riht about the morning glory. I should come up with a special award for it.
Rose, I thought I had shown you the cosmos. I have it in a couple of places and it has bloomed all season. One area gets a lot of afternoon shade and it still does great-very easy to grow. Maybe next week we can strat getting our spring bulbs in the ground.
Sue, I found you through a comment you left on Meems. I enjoyed seeing your gardens. The rash is about 2 months old and we-the Dr. and I-think it might have been a combination of meds I was on. But, now I'm not sure. In any case it is taking it's own time in going! The morning glory was a surprise as I thought I was planting a moon flower. After being initially disappointed, I am in love with it now.
Racquel, I do like the fall colors and am glad we have the different seasons. Yes cosmos is a happy plant-good name for it. Both it and the zinnias have provided so much color this year and are so easy to grow. I am going to look for more variety in color and size for next year.
Flydragon, I started my cosmos indoors and it bloomed early and often. Such an easy to care for plant. I am wondering if it will reseed itself some. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has very little left blooming in the garden. :)
Hey Beckie, love that picture of the "twins". How neat that you were able to capture that!
I agree with Meems, how could you not take a picture of it? Something that performs like that and is always smiling at you. That blue is just hard to beat!
Hiya Beckie,
Sparse? You call that sparse with those blue treasures in profusion?
I do NOT believe what I am seeing.I enlarged your morning glory photo, and sat there staring at it.
Not only is that my most favourite annual: I cannot grow a single one. Tried and tried. Yours don't seem to be climbing. Are they a special kind?
One single flower would drive me deliriously happy. And you have hundreds.
That picture needs to go in a magazine.
Gosh, Beckie, if it doesn't frost soon, that morning glory will take the whole yard. It looks so pretty. I have a huge one too that is blooming more now than it did earlier in the summer.
I've heard so many good things about cosmos. Next spring I will try them for the first time.
Beckie .. your garden is far from sparse girl ! .. my favorite picture is the one of the twin painted ladies on those gorgeous flowers .. I missed pictures with the butterflies in my garden this year .. I don't know how that happened .. then "Curly Joe" left my garden before he went into hibernation to become a Black Swallow Tail butterfly .. just no luck this year for me.
We're at peak color here too. Such lovely, golden afternoons. The only thing you need to add to the garden are Asters. Okay, maybe a grass or 2 also. And an Anemone. And some Sedum. And a nice peachy Mum. Bring a truck when you come to Chicago next spring & we'll get you squared away with divisions from my garden. I've got a lot of dividing to do & somebody's got to take this stuff!
Susie, I wish that picture had turned out a little better, but I thought it unusual enough to share. I just can't believe all the painted ladies that are still around. Next year I am going to try the Heavenly Blue on back deck. It will be a better place for it to climb and spread.
Joco, thanks for visiting. I loved all your reds! It is a climbing morning glory only I didn't have enough of a support for it to climb up so it started spreading out. It is just one plant that is taking over that area. I bought this as a plant labled moonflower-imagine my surprise when it was this. Some one identified it for me as a Heavenly Blue morning glory. But I have forgiven it and have learned to love it.
Marnie, what color is your morning glory? I have one from seed that is a pretty pink that started blooming a couple of weeks ago, but I'm sure won't produce loke the blue one. Cosmos is so easy to grow and takes no special care. I didn't even give them any extra water. I am surprised that they have bloomed so long. I think you will be happy with them.
GardenJoy, this has been the year of the butterflies in my garden. Not a lot of variety, but oh so many of the painted ladies. They have even been good about posing for the camera. I would have loved to have seen a swallow tail. Maybe next year!
MMD, I could bring a truck! :) I do need to think about adding more fall color. Sedum and asters would be great and Anemone is on my list. I love that peachy mum you have. I don't think I've ever seen one that color or with petals like that. I don't have any dividing to do this year except maybe some hostas. Next year, I hope to have daylilies big enough and maybe some yarrow. Thanks for the offer!
Beckie, your zinnias are butterfly magnets. This just reenforces my idea of making my cutting garden again next year.
Beckie, I just love those BLUES! At least you have a blooming garden to cheer you. I sure hope that rash leaves you. Does the doctor have an idea?
Hi Beckie - I love your morning glories. They are so sparkly and bright! What a good idea to look back on your gardening posts and compare from one year to another. Then you can really plan (and if it means buying more plants - yippeeee!). LOL!
Will send you a gentle breeze to blow away your rash....
Hugs and hugs and hope it really goes soon!
Lisa, the zinnias came about after seeing yours from last year. They were just beautiful! And boy do they draw the butterflies! See you soon.
Mary, I was going to collect seeds from these and send to everyone-but they are sterile! So you will just have to look for one at your garden center. They are so easy to grow and have provided much enjoyment. The Dr. thinks it was a delayed reaction to one of my meds, but I have been off it for 3 weeks now so??? Thanks for your concern.
Wendy, a gentle breeze sounds nice. I promise to quit complaining about this rash one of these days. :) I have noticed different bloggers doing a comparision from past years and even though I have pictures from last year they aren't very detailed. So I am looking forward to spring when I can really start comparing. And yes! to more plants. Thanks for the hug!
Your flowers are so pretty, especially the blue morning glories. I wish I could grow them like that! I'd love to have them on my fence.
Now I know where all the Painted Ladies went this year. I didn't see any at all and I usually have a lot.
That tree is sure pretty too. The maples are beginning to turn here, but the Sumac is really bright right now.
I am behind in visiting! Hello! I do love the twins...the painted ladies are a perfect in their own fall outfits! We have a lot of skippers but I can't figure out where all the butterflies are hiding.
Now the morning glories in all that fantastic blue are award winning. I may have to plant some...I think I have the perfect spot!
Wouldn't extending GBBD to two days be heavenly!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Those Heavenly Blues make my heart very, very glad, Beckie. Morning Glories don't do well for me so I covet them all the more, but I love seeing them on other people's gardens and blogs. And blue flowers, though wonderful at any time of year, are particularly awesome against the flamboyant colours of autumn.
Hi Beckie....I know that you like me enjoy autumn....the colours are beautiful.......
Your zinnia's have done so well and a beautiful butterfly to adorn your blooms.....can we ask for more.......
and thast morning should get a reward for the plant with the longest lasting blooms......amazing......
Autumn greetings, dear Beckie. Fall shines brightly like your awesome morning glories through your keen eyes and your humor is still hanging in there. We are not at peak and this is not our most memorable fall but perhaps next week! I take my camera out and put it back ... waiting. Seems like high winds blow the leaves off before they begin to shine ... oh well ... we take what we can get. Hugs dear friend.
Autumn is half way over here in northern NJ - it seemed to start a little early this year. Your photos of the flowers are beautiful.
Yes, fall has arrived and it seems we are all busier than ever. Can't believe it has taken me this long to get to your bloom day post!
I hope you are feeling much better now, and are enjoying the good fall color.
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
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